Childs Prayer


Love reigns and it quenches, gives warmth as it shines
It dances among us, holding hands across time.

Like rain over mountains, its tears wash them down
Across fans of alluvium, then carving the ground.


It pours into rivers, knitting braids over sands
Like confluent families with interlocked hands,

 That lift you up high, so that you may see
That I’ll love you from God, over mountains and seas.


I’ll not cloud your thoughts with trite explanations
But offer my heart for illumination

 Of bright shiny engines, that gleam along tracks
Through dark nights and tunnels, there again back.


To a home that glows in you,  wherever you are
Like the navigational light, of a boat captains star,

 That guides like a chorus, for all who’ll hear it
From angel to prophet, to your hearts inner spirit.


From He who will bless you with the love for another
What He weaves together, nothing renders asunder.

 For love endures life, its frailties and trials
As each of us cries or breaks into smiles.


You roam in my prayers, held close little one,
And a house has a door, but a home has none.

So for now, let me hug you, and whisper a prayer
That you can keep with you even if I’m not there,


“May God smile upon me, keep my family in sight,
Teach me forgiveness, guide our days and our nights

 Protect me, bring comfort and Lord I thank thee
For the blessing of love, from so many others to me.”

by A.S. M.

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I'm just a seeker
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