Ramblings of a Majnun

“The apparent is the bridge to the real” (Al-Majazu qantarat al-Haqiqa)
– Idries Shah.

To the human, see, everything is in the process of unbecoming.

She described my darkness…and it spoke.

I am not simply another colored rose in the same vase,
I did not cross over, or below, but sit beside your fear
If it’s a kingdom you seek, then come as Solomon…
let go of the vision of these pretty horses…
If it’s the most evolved visage of the divine you seek,
polish your own heart with the cloth of humility and compassion…
seek the one in tattered wool…
not the shiny new.

In your wee hours of darkness, I, the lowly seeker,
will be there to hold a candle for you…
gathering every flame in the lantern of my heart….

And in my darkness, all may turn away from me, leaving thin platitudes I know all too well.
And cast me among the extinguished coals in love’s shadows –
but my fire will rise.

Love the unseen within one human, and you will see more of yourself in their light than you ever knew.

“You dared to see the clarity of my eyes, when I dared to look into the clarity of yours,” so… who reflects who?

She said, “You, my beloved, have become a black rose.”
He said, “I mourn the loss of your light in my life and THAT is the darkness only you see.”

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About skipavm@gmail.com

I'm just a seeker
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